Cadet College Karampur Result 2023 7th,8th Class Admission

Cadet College Karampur Result 2023 7th,8th Class Admission Check on this page for Results for the Years 2023–2024. Karampur Cadet College The results of the 2023 written test will be released on February 19, 2023. The full CC Karampur final result 2023 can be seen here, along with the merit list and a list of the applicants who qualified for the medical/interview. Students may now apply to Cadet College Karampur for its third session, which will start in May 2023.

Candidates who are ultimately chosen will be given entrance to the 7th and 8th grades. There are additionally five spots available with a 50% scholarship (based on merit plus poverty). Applications are now being accepted at Cadet College Karampur for the third session, which will start in May 2023.

Details About Cadet College Karampur

College: Cadet College Karampur
Entry Test: 1st ENTRY 2023 2024
Admission: 7th and 8th Class Admission 2023-24
Test Date: 19 February 2023
Passing Marks: 50%

Cadet College Karampur Result 2023 7th and 8th grade

To submit an admissions application, candidates should visit the Cadet College Karampur’s official website. The sixth-grade test is the prerequisite for seventh grade. The student must have passed the seventh exam in order to enrol in eighth grade. Passing students may enrol in 7th or 8th grade courses. Verify that the kid did not drop any of his classes the previous academic year.

Cadet College Karampur, Larkana, Sukkur, Hyderabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, and Quetta are among the venues where the written test will be given. For admission to grades VII and VIII, Cadet College Karampur has decided to make an announcement about admissions and look for interested candidates/parents. Candidates for Class 7 must be between the ages of 11 and 13. Candidates for Class 8 must be between the ages of 12 and 14. Aged.

Written Test Result for Cadet College Karampur 2023

Those who are chosen will then be admitted to grades 7 and 8. Candidates for Class 8 must be between the ages of 14 and 12. The application period will end on February 16, 2023. More details about Cadet College Karampur Admission 2023 may be found here.

 Cadet College Karampur Admission 2023 Last Date

The admissions for the 2023–2024 academic year were released by the campus of Cadet College in Karampur. All students must appear in the first admission test, which will be given on February 19, 2023, by the deadline of February 15, 2023. On the other hand, they are accepting underprivileged kids on a scholarship basis. After the entry test, the admissions results will also be finalized. Additionally, they have announced venues for the admission exams across Pakistan. More details about Cadet College Karampur Admission 2023 may be found here.

Cadet College Karampur Result 2023 7th,8th Class Admission

Cadet College Karampur Result 2023

Cadet College Karampur Result 2023 Entry Test

Cadet College Karampur, Larkana, Sukkur, Hyderabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, and Quetta are the exam centers. In order to enrol students to grades VII and VIII, Cadet College Karampur has chosen to publicize admissions and seek out interested applicants/parents. Candidates for Class 7 must be between the ages of 11 and 13. Candidates for Class 8 must be between the ages of 12 and 14.

Cadet College Karampur Admission 2023 Last Date

The decision to announce admissions at Cadet College Karampur has prompted a hunt for prospective parents and students for classes 7 or 8. On January 30th, 2023, a written test will be administered. For its third academic year, which will start in May 2023, this Cadet College Karampur is now accepting applications.

College: Cadet College Karampur
Entry Test: 1st ENTRY 2023 2024
Admission: 7th and 8th Class Admission 2023-24
Test Date: 19 February 2023
Passing Marks: 50%

Website of Cadet College Karampur

According to the declaration issued by this institute, only a tiny number of candidates can be approved on a self-basis, although the majority of applicants make every effort to be accepted inside the normal system. Every year, this cadet college had a celebration for the new students. To download photo albums of numerous events, including sporting galas and yearly celebrations, any student can click on this website.

Cadet College Karampur Result 2023 Merit List

Retired academics and other qualified teachers tutor the pupils. Students who wish to enrol in this university but are unable to do so from their home accommodations can do so during the two sessions. Many students struggle because despite making the effort necessary to pass any cadet school’s admission exam and reading a variety of publications, they still fall short of the requirements. They have to pass a rigorous entrance exam in order to be accepted into the Cadet College. Students are eligible for admission if they pass the admissions test and received 60 percent or higher on their prior yearly exams.

Check Also: Cadet College Karampur Result 

Cadet College Karampur Fee Structure

Online, you may see CC Karampur Result 2023 Fee Structure Checks. This school is chosen by seventh- and eighth-graders who want to go to Cadet College. After the test, admissions decisions are made.

Cadet College Karampur Admission 2023 Fee Structure

Head Deposit
MESSING AND HOSTEL ( 2 MONTHS) 14,000 X 2 RS.28,000/-
MAILING, BARBER & EXAM ETC 1000 X 2 RS.2,000/-
FEE FOR 2 MONTHS RS.58,000/-

 Cadet College Karampur Result 2023  Admission Form

Most candidates strive to be admitted to the system now being implemented as per the notification made by this institute, while a limited number of applicants will be approved on a self-selected basis. The institution has said that it would only accept submissions that have been independently filed. Many pupils want to be taken into account continuously.

Contact Information of CC Karampur:

  • Address: Karampur, Shikarpur, Sindh, 3XP6+H42
  • Phone: (0722) 575400


How much percentage is required for cadet college?

Candidates who are taking the seventh-grade test but have not yet passed class VII must receive at least 45% to be temporarily approved.

Is mobile phone allowed in cadet college?

Cadets ARE NOT ALLOWED to own the following items: TV, transistor, electronic devices, laptop, wireless set, radio set, Walkman set, electric appliances, etc. Items like a cell phone and musical instruments unapproved medications and/or treatments.

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